"Expect to fall head over heels for Things, a show with heart and humor...It is, quite simply, loveable." - Lancaster Sunday News
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"This show is entertaining and laugh-out-loud funny from beginning to end. It is hard to tell if the audience or the cast is having the most fun." - The Delphos Herald
“DiSavino is back, Nana is back, and they've both grown up a lot. DiSavino's writing, always good, is now far more sophisticated, and Nana's become a more sophisticated troublemaker in the process.” - Broadway World
"This is a delightfully funny play about a family dealing with one member in personal turmoil who comes to them seeking comfort, but turns into a monumental pain in the butt. The situation is real, the humor is real, but so is the sense of a family in turmoil trying to regain the warmth and love of the season." - Lancaster Intelligencer